We are about to start our CSA, community supported agriculture share, with Harmony Valley Farm, including a twice monthly box of organic vegetables, twice monthly box of organic fruit, once a month 2.5 lb. organic cheese share & 1 lb. of fair trade coffee every two weeks. Local, green, healthy - great.
This will use about half of our monthly grocery money and I am suddenly freaking out. What was I thinking? Our first box will include ramps, sunchokes, black radishes & burdock root. I haven't heard of a single one! Some days, with my two pretty peas, it's all I can do to turn on the oven and pop in a Red Baron frozen pizza. How will I figure out a way to use these strange veggies?
I googled sunchokes & found this description, which delighted me to no end:
So great. Not only am I going to be feeding my family nothing but weird, crunchy vegetables this summer, but they will fill my babies with a filthy loathsome stinking wind.
Sounds like a plan.
This will use about half of our monthly grocery money and I am suddenly freaking out. What was I thinking? Our first box will include ramps, sunchokes, black radishes & burdock root. I haven't heard of a single one! Some days, with my two pretty peas, it's all I can do to turn on the oven and pop in a Red Baron frozen pizza. How will I figure out a way to use these strange veggies?
I googled sunchokes & found this description, which delighted me to no end:
The inulin is not well digested by some people, leading to the misconception
that sunchokes are not edible or an assumption that they cause flatulence and
gastric pain. Gerard's Herbal, printed in 1621, quotes the English planter John
Goodyer on Jerusalem artichokes:
"which way soever they be dressed and
eaten, they stir and cause a filthy loathsome stinking wind within the body,
thereby causing the belly to be pained and tormented, and are a meat more fit
for swine than men."
So great. Not only am I going to be feeding my family nothing but weird, crunchy vegetables this summer, but they will fill my babies with a filthy loathsome stinking wind.
Sounds like a plan.