Preschool visit to a farm today. Oliver rode a big yellow school bus. When he got back, he announced:
"I learned a whole bunch of stuff."
"What did you learn?"
"I'm going to think about it for awhile." Think. Think. Think.
"Do you remember what you learned?"
"I need more time to think." Think. Think. Think. "Moo."
"You saw a goat? A horse? A cow?"
"Did you learn about milking?"
"No. Oink."
"You saw a farmer? A chicken? Pigs?"
"How many did you see?"
"Around a hundred. Or maybe it was 38."
"Do you remember yet what you learned?"
"Yes. Don't step in geese poop."
Later... thinking about how Mom & Dad got married because they wanted to be a family...
"Mom, when I get to be a grown up, will you help me find my own family?"
"Of course. And we will still be your family, too."
"Okay. Hey, I know! I'll get married to you! Is that okay?"
"If I forget to marry you when I'm a grown up, you remind me."
"How will you remember?"
"I could never forget."