Boy is he in trouble.
We have green leafy vegetables coming out the ears. I've always wondered what vegetables people were talking about when they said "be sure to eat your green leafy vegetables." Then I scoffed at the list. Bok choy? Who eats bok choy?
We do.
Well, we will soon. For now its arugula, spinach, hon tsai tai, pea vine, spring salad mix. I sneak green "leafs" into everything. Cold pasta salad, hot pasta dishes, stir fry & rice, on top of veggie burgers, on pizza. Everything. I'm also sneaking shredded radish into things, too. No one seems to notice or complain.
What's on the Plate?
Photo #1
Morningstar Griller veggie burger covered in organic muenster, spring salad mix, pickles and ketchup (natch.) The best veggie burger I think I've ever made.
Pasta with Asparagus & Spring Greens (substituted in green garlic, arugula, spinach)

Photos #2-4
Boboli Pizza with muenster, basil, green garlic, spinach & steamed asparagus
(Our 9-pack of herbs from the farm is at the top of the picture. I picked the basil from the plants and popped them right onto the pizza. It was fabulous, if I do say so myself.)

What's on the Platter? (i.e. what were we listening to while cooking?)
Everyone ate their green leafy vegetables at our house this weekend. And I didn't hear one little complaint.